Welcome to The BoomBustProfits Bulletin

The reason why we started this newsletter is to educate people on how to profit from financial bubbles (instead of being victimized by them, as so many are) and help market players like you make better decisions.

We are completely independent & beholden to no one. We are not “sponsored” by anyone, accept no advertising whatsoever, and do not accept funds from any outside entity(s) to push any viewpoint or advertisement.

No one that writes for BoomBustProfits belongs to any political party. We provide an objective, dispassionate view informed by history, logic, and a mental framework optimized to exploit the nature of financial markets.

This mental framework is vital to creating a competitive advantage that profitably navigates the global financial system and the Boom-Bubble-Bust cycles created by the unsound global monetary system. We consider ourselves to be global citizens and go where we are most welcome (just like capital flows) in light of risk/reward. There is something here for everyone that is impacted by finance & economics (and who isn’t?..).

If you like this content, please pass it along to someone you think will enjoy it. If you have anything interesting that you would like researched, or have ideas you would like to submit for potential inclusion in future bulletins, just let us know with a CONCISE short paragraph on what it is (via posting a comment).

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Disclaimer: The information, tools and material presented herein are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be used or considered as an offer or a solicitation to sell or an offer or solicitation to buy or subscribe for securities, investment products or other financial instruments, nor to constitute any advice or recommendation with respect to such securities, investment products or other financial instruments. Any research report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. You should independently evaluate particular investments and consult an independent financial adviser before making any investments or entering into.

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Stop being a victim and profit from Boom-Bust cycles.


Stop being a victim and profit from financial bubbles.